Monday, October 25, 2010

Source of value, the value of thinking small tree

As one has grown in ten years in the remote mountains and trees, are often eager to one day become a valuable material, "ten trees, monumental," the old saying, give us great hope, the longing for a better future, also produced a series of the value of the future fate of the association:

1, Imagination 1

If, one day the owner can be a consensus by the Chinese and materials, according to the material and figure, I will be absolutely beautiful round design works of art, and can choose to world-class masters carved on me, take me to build unique world of art, worth soared at this time I am sure might be worth a million dollars, auction house Sotheby may please me to the finale; what the British Museum, the Louvre Museum, the National Palace Museum, invited me to a guest, had to鐪嬫垜鎰夸笉鎰挎剰绉绘锛屽埌閭f椂锛屼汉浠鍒版垜灏辫薄浣涙暀寰掕鍒拌闊冲儚锛屽熀鐫e緬瑙佸埌鑰剁ǎ鍍忎竴鏍凤紝涓嶅磭鎷滀笉琛岋紝璇翠笉瀹氱涓夋涓栫晫澶ф垬浼氬洜鎴戣?璧枫?

銆??浜屻?鐣呮兂浜?br />
銆??鎴栬鏈変竴澶╂垜琚竴涓湪鍖犵湅涓婏紝灏嗘垜鎷夋垚鏉裤?閿垚鏉★紝鐓х尗鐢昏檸鍦板姞宸ヤ竴閫氾紝灏嗘垜鎵撻?鎴愭櫘鏅?閫氱殑妗屾銆侀棬绐椾粈涔堢殑锛屼笉鏄憜鍦ㄥ鍐呬换浜烘媿銆佷换浜鸿俯锛屽氨鏄暥鍦ㄥ涓婂嚟椋庡惞銆佷换闆ㄦ墦锛屽埌閭f椂锛屼篃鍙兘榛橀粯蹇嶅彈杩欎竴鍒囦簡锛岃繕寰楀簡骞歌嚜宸辨病鏈夎鍔犲伐涓洪┈妗凤紝澶╁ぉ鍛嗗湪闃存殫鐨勮钀斤紝瑁呰嚟闂昏噴銆?br />
Third, the Imagination III

I hope they are not being Woodman phase, chopped a few of my column back off, hack numerous pieces of debris, lost in the sun exposure for several days, and then fire into the furnace, or for cooking or heating for the people, their wind , rain, sun, frost ridden energy accumulated over 10 years, as short as 35 minutes, more than ten minutes long also been depleted to the point, their 10 years of hard, bright vision of the future , also engraved with the puff of smoke between the dumping of ashes.

銆??鍏跺疄锛屾垜涓庢垜鐨勫悓浠佷竴鏍峰彧涓嶈繃鏄竴妫靛巻缁忓崄骞撮闆ㄦ垚闀胯捣鏉ワ紝杈冧负鏅?鐨勬爲鏈紝鑷繁韬笂涔熷氨浠庡湡鍦颁笌闃冲厜涓辈鍙栦簡涓?簺钀ュ吇鎴愪唤锛岀Н鑱氫簡涓?簺鑳介噺锛岃兘绗﹀悎浠ヤ笂鍑犳柟闈㈢殑闇?眰鎽嗕簡锛屽鏋滀竴瀹氳鎸夌収甯傚満缁忔祹瀵硅嚜宸变及涓环鐨勮瘽锛屼篃灏卞?涓櫨鏉ュ潡閽卞惂!涔嬫墍浠ヤ細浜х敓杩欎箞澶氫笉鍚岀殑鐣呮兂锛屽畬鍏ㄦ槸鍦ㄨ繖涓悍绻佸鏉傜殑涓栫晫閲岋紝浜轰滑鐢ㄤ笉鍚岀殑鏂瑰紡鏉ュ寰呮垜浠墍閫犳垚鐨勶細鍗充娇鑳借鎵撻?鎴愪环鍊艰繛鍩庣殑鑹烘湳绮惧搧锛屼篃涓嶈兘璇存槑鎴戠殑鑷韩浠峰?鏈夊楂橈紝鑰屾槸璁捐浜哄憳閫氳繃鎴戝弽鏄犲叾濂囧阀鐨勬瀯鎯筹紝鍔犲伐鑰呯敤蹇冨苟瀹岀編鍦板皢杩欎簺鏋勬兂鍙樹负鐜板疄锛屽憟鐜板湪浜轰滑闈㈠墠鑰屽凡锛岃鍒颁环鍊硷紝鎴戠殑浠峰?姘歌繙鍙笉杩囨槸鐧惧崄鏉ュ潡锛岃?涓斿姞宸ヨ繃绋嬩腑杩樺乏鍒囧彸纾ㄧ殑锛岄櫎鍘讳簡澶ч儴鍒嗭紝鍓╀笅鐨勫叾瀹炰篃浜嗕簡鏃犲嚑锛屽叾浠栭兘寰楀綊鍔熶簬璁捐鑰呭拰鍒堕?鑰呬簡;鑳芥墦閫犳垚妗屾銆侀棬绐楋紝铏界劧涔熸槸閲忚韩鎵撻?锛屼笖灏嗘垜鐨勫ぇ閮ㄥ垎鏉愭枡鐢ㄤ笂锛屼絾浠庝环鍊间笂璇达紝鎴戠殑浠峰?杩樻槸鐧惧崄鏉ュ潡锛屽嵆浣垮埄鐢ㄧ巼姣斿姞宸ヤ负鑹烘湳鍝侀珮鍑哄緢澶氾紝浣嗗叾澧炲?涔熷氨鏄繖涔堝嚑鍗佸潡锛屼笉杩囧ソ鐢繕鎬绘湁涓?偣澧炲?锛岃兘浣撶幇鏈ㄥ尃鐨勫姵鍔ㄤ环鍊?鑻ヨ妯靛か閫変腑锛屽妶鎴愭煷鐑э紝鎴戠殑韬环鍊间篃涓嶅洜妯靛か鐨勮儭鍔堜贡鐮嶈?鍑忓皯锛岃櫧鐒舵鏃舵垜鐨勫埄鐢ㄧ巼鏈?珮锛屽彧鏄璐垜鐨勬ǖ澶潵璇达紝涓嶅悎鐞嗙殑浣跨敤涓嶄絾涓嶈兘涓哄叾浜х敓澧炲?锛岃?涓斿噺鍊间笉灏戝晩銆?br />
Qualified workers a role in material objects only, the value determined at time of purchase on the basic, as to why then have three different value-added results, key is not the material itself, the level of utilization can not be determining factor Although a great relationship with the processing apparatus, it is not fundamental, working on their design and use of the process in line with the design process, is the fundamental source of its value. Therefore, as the material of the user who should be from a strategic, value-added technological up mining source, once the directional error, and then much effort is futile.


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Thursday, October 14, 2010

Ten controversial figure in 2007

NO.1 Li Dongsheng: Person of the Year or the "worst boss"

Li Dongsheng: July 1957 Health, Huizhou, and graduated from South China Institute of Technology Department of Radio, currently president and chairman of TCL Group

Time: July 4, 2007

Location: Guangdong Huizhou

People: Li Dongsheng

Where the Company: TCL Group Co., Ltd. was founded in 1981, is the largest consumer electronics groups. 2005 global revenues of 51.6 billion yuan in 2006, the company reached 36.2 billion brand value.

Synopsis: July 4, 2007, "Forbes," the 3rd release Chinese Listed Companies in China (mainly non-state-owned listed companies) the list of the worst boss, Li Dongsheng surprised listed in the "worst boss" No. 6.

In 1996, Li Dongsheng TCL Group as president, thus beginning a series of drastic reforms and capital operation, the TCL from a small local company into an international corporation. Under the leadership of the Li Dongsheng, TCL 10 years in terms of TV, mobile phone or computer industries, have made remarkable achievements. However, in 2004, on Thomson's TV business and Alcatel mobile phone business two radical and bad acquisitions, resulting in TCL devastated.

From the year 2007 three quarters of view, TCL Group achieved operating income of 28.3 billion yuan, net profit of 67.69 million yuan, it seems to avoid being delisted. However, a very dangerous practice TCL advance loss provision for accounts in 2007, the existing profit mainly from the sale of the property and its non-core business, TCL real estate contributed 30.75 million yuan of profits in the first half, while the overseas business is still not only the loss, the situation worrisome.

Overseas business model adjustments, so that TCL's color TV business in Europe and North America, the first half of 2007, a substantial 57% decline in emerging markets and strategic OEM business has also decreased by 42%, making TCL Multimedia in the first half of the sales revenue fell 37.4%, TV sales dropped 35% to 7.07 million units.

2005, TCL's turnover up 51.6 billion yuan, from 2007 years ago, three-quarter view, only 28.3 billion. First half of 2007, TCL profit 45.09 million yuan, up 96.8% reduced losses. However, its main business revenue fell 23.7% to 17.99 billion yuan, only the first half of TCL's color TV business losses of 2 billion.

International difficulties, and can not give the whole picture TCL today. Now, TCL domestic market is also falling sharply. The cell phone industry, TCL is now almost nothing worth mentioning. The TV side even worse in the past or the leader in the domestic, and now also at the 3, although strong, but behind Hisense, and the situation is not optimistic.

Square: Li Dongsheng TCL is leading out of the loss, first and foremost is a good trend. Furthermore, the unprofitable PC business divestiture, TCL can just move forward with ease. From the world's leading business growth trajectory of view, timely adjustment of enterprise development strategies, need to fully adapt to the situation. Li Dongsheng at the end of a major adjustment of the Group's business should be commended.

Against: get the "worst boss" when true to its name. Main business is still no hope of reducing losses, the group structure and senior personnel turbulence frequently rely on selling a variety of services to achieve the profit is too speculative, and not long. Li Dongsheng should be discarded as soon as possible, "Control of profit" this means the true in-depth market, understand the market, looking for a truly sustainable and profitable projects and breakthrough, big main business, this is a permanent solution.


Li Dongsheng, the only set of Chinese "CCTV annual economic figures" and the U.S. "Forbes" "worst boss" title in one of two Chinese entrepreneurs. Circumstances before and after the fall of the great cause for regret!

1 year and a half ago, Li Dongsheng in "Eagle's rebirth" article, with middle-age eagle for rebirth in order to molt Hui-for-nail the story, a metaphor for the current TCL also at the transformation before being aroused. Imagine, in great hopes to write these words, he did not think "Forbes" will be sent to the "worst boss" in the title. Therefore, in order not too eager to prove his worst, he even resorted to selling defenses of the license "foul stroke", and then sold in the domestic influential computer business. Li Dongsheng TCL Group to give the subtraction?

In 2004, when he had also energetically to create his own saying: "bigger is not necessarily strong, do not necessarily do so is not strong." However, it is neither large nor strong TCL, but rather become a "shrink beef ", turnover of 51.6 billion yuan in 2005, diving down like 3 quarters of 2007, 28.3 billion years ago.

A large number of channel shrinkage, loss of close overseas operations, Li Dongsheng bitterly in Europe staged a "Dunkirk" for the big retreat, TCL is almost back to the "Liu-yang" before the origin.

Rome was not built in a day cold. TCL high-level turbulence, brand positioning, swing, too much emphasis on the concept of speculation, and in the core technology Quewu improvement, in competition with rivals into weakness became inevitable. Li Dongsheng at the expense of sales in exchange for a small profit, in fact, worse than the loss!

Mr. Li also worked for the former TCL Mobile Madman Wan Jianming, the book "system win" in the preface to write, "Since the buried trench," the warning, and we pray that it will not become a reality in 2008.

NO.2 Mr. Tang: TD founders or China 3G "sinners"

Mr. Tang: 1961 years old, graduated from Beijing University of Posts and microwave communications professional in 2002, became general manager of Datang Mobile

Time: December 6, 2007

Location: Beijing

People: Mr. Tang

Company location: Datang Mobile on February 8, 2002 incorporated in Beijing, is the Datang Telecom Technology Industry Group, one of the core, TD-SCDMA's founder and leader.

Synopsis: December 6, 2007, Mr. Tang was dismissed from office in Datang Mobile, whom he worked hard and had to leave the territory. Since its inception in 2002 Datang Mobile, TD Mr. Tang has become the industry leader in China. In the TD will achieve commercial point the sudden departure of Don left a lot of question marks for the industry.

March 2007, led by Datang Mobile, "Tang Line" was nearly 37% of China Mobile TD eight cities share network system equipment bidding, performance is quite good, Mr. Tang contributed. However, poor performance in recent years, Datang Mobile. As of the end of 2006, net loss of 96.07 million yuan of Datang Mobile. Some analysts believe that Datang Mobile in the market areas, poor management, TD delays in industrialization, Mr. Tang inescapable responsibility.

Meanwhile, Mr. Tang's departure was not unexpected, he, as former chairman of Datang Group, Zhou Huan, a "direct descendant", and the current chairman of Datang Group, was based not true and. They re-issue in the Tang heated argument on many occasions. Mr. Tang that Datang Mobile to be listed separately, while the base is really only want to inject quality assets Datang Mobile Datang Telecom.

Square: TD development has become one of the world's four major 3G standard, marshals have made indelible contributions to Mr. Tang should not be at risk of such outcomes. And, sadly his departure, not because of technical capacity to question, only because the true and bureaucratic restructuring was based on a difference of opinion, is the internal struggle of the victims of personnel.

Against: Mr. Tang is a 3G sinners. National policy and funding in the strong support, TD commercialization process is delayed, many times in hopes of later, the industry has lost patience waiting. And join the fray as WiMAX, TD Road, globalization will be more difficult. Mr. Tang as the head of TD, should bear the main responsibility, long overdue step down.


Datang is a dangerous place, and then run into TD - the devoted great hope of Chinese IT industry, "aborted children," Mr. Tang destined to become a controversial figure.

Despite the great support by the State can not afford to help the fools like Datang, born and feet. But is such a loss of the mud lake in the struggling company, but there is no lack of players familiar Official Road. Administrative officials to hoodwink the public in a state-owned enterprises, the technical route of Mr. Tang walk in front of bureaucrats and politicians are too immature, defeated mess. Prior to that, there are "SCDMA father," said the letter, President Chen Wei Wei Tang was swept out of the listing because Xinwei politicians plan of reorganization with the conflict.

Then discard the power struggle between, Mr. Tang's years in office, Datang Mobile's performance really is not satisfactory, a large output less input, the industry waiting to no avail, can companies rely on loans to live the reality is that, in order to survive even to the extent patent "bondage." This term, Mr. Tang's departure might be a relief, no one volcano had a hard day.

Mr. Tang has been cleared, but many of Datang in a small microcosm of the struggle for power, certainly, TD day it is not commercial, here there will be more like "Chen Wei" or "Mr. Tang" hapless general.

NO.3 Shi Yuzhu: Marketing genius or expert Huyou

Shi Yuzhu: born in 1962, Anhui Huai, graduated from the University of Soft Management in Shenzhen, Giant CEO

Time: November 1, 2007

Location: Shanghai

People: Shi Yuzhu

Where the Company: Giant Interactive was founded in 2004, is directly under a giant Group's online game operator. The main business of "journey," "Giant," "King of Kings 3" and so on, in May 2007, "journey" at the same time the number exceeded 1 million top line.

Synopsis: November 1, 2007, giant networks in the United States listed on the New York Stock Exchange, becoming the largest IPO in the United States of Chinese private enterprises. Shi Yuzhu once again become the focus of public opinion.

From November 11, 2004 set up to May 2007 "journey," while the maximum number of people over one million online, Shi Yuzhu in a short time to create the miracle of China's online game industry. The Q3 2007 unaudited reported a Q3 net revenues of 405.2 million yuan, up 164.2%; net profit of 290.2 million yuan, up 152.6 percent.

"This year's festivals are not gifts, gifts received only melatonin!" Overwhelming bombardment of advertising, making melatonin a household name in China. But along with melatonin fraud, exaggerated effects of negative news, Shi Yuzhu been criticized in the industry more and more. The "journey" is also different from ordinary games, such as lotteries, gambling and insurance, in the "journey" of the virtual world can be good time vividly. But the "journey" is like a quagmire, go on get out; like opium, a suction on the addictive. Many people to spend money on equipment, which makes bankrupt.

Square: Mr. Deng Xiaoping put it well, whether it is white or black, can catch mice is a good cat. Shi Yuzhu is Nazhi can always capture the consumer psychology, market demand, the "demon cat" for the modern Chinese business community has set a typical case. From melatonin's hot, to get to the giant network of U.S. public, he could accurately grasp the needs of the consumer psychology, marketing the product to a peak. He proved that the Chinese market is also not in accordance with rules of the game the Wizards out of the business license is important, he did others can not.

Against: Shi Yuzhu is a downright liar, from melatonin, brain gold to the gold partner, he invariably started by 蹇芥偁, 蹇芥偁 by lying to the money. For now, the "journey" game, in the use of rich material temptation of hatred and fueled, and the use of brutal and violent deprivation of resources, inflation, etc., of the cruel exploitation of players to achieve the purpose of profiteering, which has hit the bottom line of morality, he is the destroyer of the games market norm.


From a purely commercial point of view, Shi Yuzhu is successful, he can in Business ingenious application of Mao Zedong's military thought, created by the industry as a model case. But from a moral point of view, criticized him the most. In order to make money, he can do anything. He is an opportunist, and good grasp of the weaknesses of human nature, and to this end the design rules of the game, to profits.

No one will say he is a "big 蹇芥偁", Shi Yuzhu naturally not, but whether it is health products or the online games, must be labeled "Fudge" suspects. Melatonin actually be claimed to improve the effectiveness of sexual pleasure, since authorities have not detected this effect, I do not know Shi Yuzhu how measured, has no way of knowing whether it originated from his personal experience. The so-called "melatonin in a gold brick," turned out to be not even a stone. In the "journey", the Shi Yuzhu in turn easily, noble, entertainment directed vulgar spirit of the game of power and money, all the senior players are the "RMB gamers" were peace-loving people "despise" is bloody and violent be respected. While online games are virtual worlds, players have been part of the real world, if not a criteria, but who can guarantee he will not be out of place in real life. Shi Yuzhu may think that this has nothing to do with their own social problems.

Shi Yuzhu powerful reason than his competitors, is that he is really "black" enough "never", and his innate "Fei Qi."

NO.4 Zhengfei: to evade responsibility or passion reform

Ren Zhengfei: born in 1944, Jiangsu, university culture, Huawei Technologies Limited. 2000, the U.S. "Forbes" magazine as China's richest 50 No. 3

Date: October 2007

Location: Shenzhen

Character: Ren Zhengfei

Where the Company: Huawei was founded in 1987 and headquartered in Shenzhen, there are more than 70,000 employees, is the world's leading communications equipment manufacturers. Sales revenue in 2006 65.6 billion, of which 65% of sales revenue from overseas markets.

Synopsis: In October 2007, Huawei's "resignation" incident created a great sensation, thousands of people to resign and then Jing Gang, a great uproar in the community.

Huawei provides all the company employees have worked more than eight years, must be before New Year's Day in 2008, active handling procedures to resign, then competition for employment, re-signed with 1 to 3 years of the contract. Ren Zhengfei launched by the personnel changes, was seen as a circumvention of labor laws, to avoid social responsibility. However, Huawei said the incident was made in human resources management a number of adjustments, fully within the scope permitted by law.

Over the past 10 years, Huawei by the rapid development of the rapid number of employees increased to 7 thousand people. Ren Zhengfei, believes that companies in the expansion process, has accumulated a number of problems. He hoped that the resignation of then Jinggang, bloody wake-up staff for the company to inject new vitality. In his view, if taken into consideration every hero, then it will ruin the company's future. An enterprise over time, older workers well-paid, stable position, it will gradually sink, loss of vitality.

Square: Huawei's behavior did the work to break the long-standing cultural and solving No. competitiveness factors. Also, employees in this incident did not lose more than 20 million to compensate for many people paid too comfortable. In addition, the practice of Ren Zhengfei also responsible for a staff and business performance, Huawei need to metabolism.

Against: Ren Zhengfei of this decision, but why in the new "Labor Contract Law" issued before the implementation, not avoid the responsibility of business to employees, but also what is? And, in the long run, "resignation" incident is very large impact : in the enterprise, the senior staff left the eyes of the rift would be difficult to erase, and a threat to the cohesion of the company; in the enterprise, the large number of companies follow the trend of layoffs, to the happy and peaceful in this pre-holiday social Gaode panic.


Chief low-key, Huawei low-key, but companies always produce the unexpected, when a large movement.

Like to create "movement" launched by the chief of personnel changes, the company injected a "catalyst" of the intent of a change in the culture of the ills of the past work number. It is said that "the resignation of the door" incident, in order to give equal treatment, he was always his own "001" number plate into the history of the showcase work.

Do not see as always to the Which child moves, the strict safety and a title, that is, "eclectic" it! Guess, definitely not smart, such as Ren Zhengfei are loss-making business, do not want to see the "permanent staff", perhaps he launched the "campaign" where the purpose of it!

Often a good thing wrong variable in an idea. Therefore, Huawei resignation door event, the mistake in the change of time, in the new "Labor Contract Law", before any sign of trouble, are prone to "Lenovo." Like studying, "Selected Works of Mao Zedong," the chief, how would not take this into account?

Tseng said that the "big soft non-flexible, flat to just not just." Chief starting point right, but rarely understood, because of his military background too Unyielding character, not know how to bypass. It appears that any general practice from the pure blue Art of War is still some distance.

NO.5 Gou: defenders of intellectual property monopoly or domineering

Terry Gou: born 1950, graduated from China Taiwan, "China's Hai." Taiwan's Hon Hai Group Chairman, Foxconn boss, Taiwan's richest man

Time: November 6, 2007

Location: Shenzhen

People: Terry Gou

Where Company Profile: Foxconn is the world's largest mobile phone foundry, in 2006 a turnover of 10.4 billion U.S. dollars. 1988, invest and build factories in the Shenzhen area, the product involved in the Pan-computers, communications, consumer electronics, 3C industry fields.

Synopsis: November 6, 2007, Foxconn, BYD First Instance (the largest mobile phone battery manufacturers) is suspected of stealing trade secrets case, ethnic restaurants in Beijing carried out a forensic hearings, and around the "plaintiff's business secret is not the exclusive "and other themes of the tit for tat debate.

As a company started by mobile phone batteries, a few years the rapid rise of 12.9 billion in 2006 revenue, the business has covered the cell phone battery, LCD screen, keyboard, etc. In addition to mobile phone chip mobile phone outside of almost all parts. In 2002, BYD a Nokia cell phone battery supplier, the Foxconn's dominant position have a strong impact. Since BYD has an advantage in price, originally Foxconn's customers have turned to BYD, Terry Gou is a worry.

Foxconn said the dig began in 2003 BYD Foxconn foot of a wall, more than 2005 executives to switch to BYD, and do not abide by a confidentiality agreement Foxconn's employees, the more copies of confidential documents away, so Foxconn loss heavy.

Square: Terry Gou is an intellectual property "fighters", his "no compromise" for the industry set a good example. Terry Gou and his reason to be on the BYD Foxconn sued because of intellectual property rights for investors and the company itself is a very important issue.

Against: more obvious. Terry Gou is the name of intellectual property rights "fighters" of the banner son monopoly of the real line. Foxconn's move is only the theft of trade secrets under the cover of BYD, BYD is actually hinder the spin-off handset business listing to contain rapidly growing competitors, dominate the lakes for their own cleared.


Novelist Liu Zhen said, life can be divided into two types of sheep and wolf, the wolf is basically all the world is "a wolf dressed in sheep's clothing"; all the sheep are basically playing "Daweibalang." Terry Gou is the former, made a wolf, but also cold to.

However, Terry Gou to erase the mouth of the chicken blood, but not to erase the mouth of the feathers. On the Foxconn, the listing and financing BYD will become more lethal competitor, so it quickly before the listing in time for each other June 11, 2007 at the Hong Kong courts. September 27, BYD listing application again, Foxconn new to the Hong Kong High Court proceedings. So diametrically opposed, delayed offensive obvious - Gou like this to suppress competition, to stop and destroy each other's listing and financing. In view of this, the ever-cautious chairman Wang Chuanfu BYD Gou was openly accused of "deliberately disruptive."

In fact, Gou want to destroy his mortal malady, there is no need for a "naked" richest man richest man somehow a little grace, BYD can dig Foxconn undermining the foundation, why not poke each other Foxconn knife? Although some individual this is relentless - BYD in many business areas overlap with the Foxconn and took away a lot of orders for each other, and became the object of Nokia's train. However, Gou even vindictive, but also implied that, otherwise it not wronged their own identity.

NO.6 Kai-fu Lee: Localization of standard-bearer, or those who are disappointed

Kai-fu Lee: 1961 students, the people of Taiwan, received a Ph.D. in Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. July 2005 to join Google, so far as the post of President of China

Time: November 14, 2007

Location: Beijing

WHO: Kai-fu Lee

Company location: Google was founded in 1998 and headquartered in Mountain View, California, is the world's largest search engine. Listed on Nasdaq in 2004. In 2006, turnover of 10.604 billion U.S. dollars.

Synopsis: Ever since Kai-fu Lee left Microsoft to join Google that day, he is determined to realize the localization of Google China.

November 14, 2007, Kai-fu Lee admitted, 2007, Google has done a good localization in China, launched a total of 24 new localized products and services. He believes that in the past, Google through shareholding, acquisition, alliance and other efforts to upgrade their traffic. Including China Mobile, 3G gateway cooperation, into the mobile search; alliance Sina search; and End of the World co-operation ... ... In addition to the introduction of new products and services, in June 2007, Google will be the server moved to China.

Despite frequent moves, but the localization of Google in China do not satisfactory, and the market share continues to decline. From the research firm's data, the Chinese search market share, accounting for 65% of Baidu, Google is only about 20%. April 2007, Google Pinyin input method product launched, but was soon accused of theft Sohu part of their lexicon, "Sogou input method." Later, Google has been evasive on the matter, and quietly removed in the subsequent upgrade of the thesaurus with controversial content.

Square: Google in China only in 2007 on the introduction of a number of localized applications for Chinese users, its forceful, momentum Meng, Kai-fu Lee for the localization efforts for all to see. However, the localization is not achieved overnight, demanding in a short time to catch up or surpass Baidu Google China is not the reality, this is the unfairness of Kai-fu Lee.

Against: Kai-fu Lee is a native losers. Localization of international brands in the real system at the level of cultural compatibility. The higher the degree of this cultural compatibility, the higher the degree of localization of the brand. Kai-fu Lee as Chinese, also did not properly dealing with cultural compatibility, but the Google branded too much personal heroism. If we do not have to improve, Google will inevitably step Yahoo, Amazon and eBay footsteps and quit the Chinese.


Yahoo, Amazon and eBay are frustrated to have to leave China, now the industry to open the "transnational successful Internet companies in China," the door that the keys are handed over to Chinese Kai-fu Lee. But now it seems the answer given by Kai-fu Lee is not optimistic.

The reason why the implementation of localization in China is not successful, the key is he forced to migrate to the Chinese American culture, not the Romans, integrate adaptation. Chinese people like simple, and even download Google Input great difficulty, so no one likes to beat around the bush.

Kai-fu Lee White Google more than two years, vowed from the original is still far from success. Entered in 2007, he was making every effort to change the pessimistic forecasts of the industry on Google, unfortunately that was not as anticipated as the development. Such as "Google IME", which simply is localized too far, the Chinese companies also love to spend with the plagiarism means, and accused of theft, "Sogou input method" part of the lexicon.

Everyone wants to know when Kai-fu Lee to lead the Google out of the global Internet companies failed in China's "curse," Schmidt said his boss can wait 5000 years, Kai-fu Lee did not know whether it is willing to wait that long. Nevertheless, he "localization" of the pain of suffering, but also a psychologically prepared to fight a protracted war.

NO.7 Charles Zhang: Traffic first or credit first

Charles Zhang: 1964, Xi'an, graduated from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, the current Chairman of the Board CEO, Sohu

Time: September 4, 2007

Location: Beijing

People: Charles Zhang

About the host: the 2008 Olympic Games in Beijing Sohu Internet Content Service Sponsor, is a leading new media, communications and mobile value-added services company, July 12, 2000, Sohu officially listed on NASDAQ in the United States.

Synopsis: Alexa's statistics, as of August 26, 2007, Sohu, and Web site traffic in the overall rankings on the two key indicators, more than two weeks straight round over Sina. However, Charles Zhang's excitement can not last long, Alexa on August 30, 2007 public statistical data, Sohu rating fell from 22 to 48.

For this change, Sina secret that Sohu's ranking was the result of a significant decline because of traffic on Sohu previously tampered with. September 4, 2007, Charles Zhang held an emergency press conference in Beijing. At the meeting, he vowed: "I'm here to Chairman Mao assurance can swear, Sohu is absolutely no cheating."

Since the Internet to obtain the Olympic Games sponsor status, Sohu has declared: If you want to run with the Beijing Olympic Logo of online advertising, you must select Sohu. However, the September 13, 2007, a media report, FAW Volkswagen, Haier household appliances and other Olympic partners already running with the Olympic logo on Sina's online advertising.

Charles Zhang and his Sohu, seems to have become increasingly isolated.

Square: that Sohu false, but competitors of the ink, this war of words played at any time in China, surprising. Also, Charles Zhang allow a 2008 Beijing Olympics Internet content sponsor, is also the co-operation with the International Olympic Committee, the first portal, he created a precedent, and even he led the development of "Sogou input method" favored by the users , so that led to Google in China suspected of plagiarism, its innovation is evident.

Against: Charles Zhang swear to Chairman Mao, just Contrast his "guilty conscience." Sohu content when the Olympic Games is not simply motivated sponsors, would like to report a profit by monopolizing the Olympics, completely contrary to the Olympic Games, "open, fair and impartial," the concept of public participation. Charles Zhang do not want to become "the first head of the Olympic co-portal" and the ignominious fall reputation.


As a Chinese Internet portal has been able to start three patriarchs are still working hard in the only fruits, Charles Zhang, the explanation given is "their good character." So, when false rumors Sohu flow, he would resemble that of being a great "unredressed injustice", and hurried out of Chairman Mao to prove his innocence. The results are self-defeating and will only make people feel admitting their guilt.

Charles Zhang boss to do or can understand the feelings, so Sohu Home of "China's largest portal site," in large letters down knew it was strange, though many people prefer to believe that SINA is the first global Chinese community portal.

In fact, not Dengxianzhibei Sina, although a single business model, but it indeed is second to none in the news, from traffic and advertising revenue perspective, it is the first portal directly. Thus, while Charles Zhang insisted diversified development path and its Sogou input method, Sohu Entertainment, blog, online games and other services, the company recently gained a lot of popularity, but to do the portal boss, I am afraid that need time.

Not everyone will be "about each other go", the level of attainment is not enough, inevitably self-slapped in the face. Sohu is not the first portal? Inside how much water? People had a steelyard. Zhang Chaoyang need for a catchy title and Taidongganhuo.

Finally, Charles Zhang Mao Yeye was not bothered at all.

NO.8 Ma: Internet Godfather or loose-tongued, the "cannon"

Ma: 1964, Hangzhou, who in 1988 graduated from Hangzhou Normal University Foreign Language Department, Alibaba Chairman and CEO. December 2004, won the Award for CCTV annual economic figures

Time: November 6, 2007

Location: Hangzhou

People: Ma

About the host: Alibaba is headquartered in Hangzhou, the world's largest B2B e-commerce platform for small and medium enterprises around the world to provide an effective B2B e-commerce solutions.

Synopsis: November 6, 2007, the company was listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, the opening price of 30 Hong Kong dollars, representing an issue price of 13.5 Hong Kong dollars rose 122%, finance 1.7 billion, a record size of Chinese Internet companies financing the most.

Ma has described his ideal way of e-business world: "Yahoo to use their content to affect the user's consumption preferences and habits, with the demand, the users can Taobao transactions, and their sources can be obtained from Alibaba . search is leading to these users, and Alibaba's Taobao access, and Alipay is the platform for all payment transactions. "Today, Alibaba e-commerce started to map out the complete profile and become a competitor of all Internet companies.

Alibaba sources, about 60% of the amount of the financing will be used for strategic acquisitions or business development. However, analysts pointed out that the shop may have front Alibaba wide enough, Ma can operate well on existing business are good. IResearch Consulting's data show that the first three quarters of 2007, China Baidu search engine market share accounted for 60.8%, Google 23.8%, while Yahoo was only 10.4%.

Square: founder of Alibaba, then on the C2C, search engine development, Ma is building an ecosystem of their own Internet and become a strong competitor to all Internet companies, "Internet godfather" of the throne must go to him. And this listing will help Alibaba to expand the international market and increase the international influence.

Against: Ma is too grandiose, yet to digest the existing business, we must rush to finance acquisitions, too hasty, and big or doing fine is two different things entirely different. To Yahoo search, for example, did not show due to the power, and signs of being marginalized. Ma, or should be down to earth, do not pick up the sesame seeds of a watermelon.


"Wearing a telescope can not find our competitors!" This obscurity only "business philosopher" Ma say.

The statue did not speak obscuration of the "cannon", the least is the lack of eloquence, "satellite" is his greatest strength. In his eyes, were more daring, to the extent of production. As early as 2005, he was released in public pronouncements: "Alibaba tax 1 million yuan per day." Astonishingly, the last being exposed a tell your - from the company's earnings per day, tax is also less than 300,000 yuan.

In addition, the company was listed, not entirely a good thing, took investors money to buy, is to take responsibility, financing more burden of the more important. The most critical is that after listing the company's information will be transparent, "artillery" will possibly be as "dumb"!

Alibaba's multi-faceted attack, Ma has planted a hidden danger, the Yahoo search, Baidu and Google in the attack, completely reduced to second-class role, market share has shrunk dramatically. Diversified business, with a less mature management team, after the listing Alibaba how far?

NO.9 Chen Shoufu: Anti-monopoly righteous or self-interest of coral Mou

Chen Shoufu: born in 1980, graduated from the Beijing Institute of Technology 2002 optical systems, either the school computer center director of coral QQ

Date: August 16, 2007

Location: Beijing

People: Chen Shoufu

About the unit: individual amateur behavior has nothing to do with the unit.

Synopsis: August 16, 2007, Chen Shoufu by the Shenzhen Public Security Bureau, Nanshan copyright infringement grounds of detention for illegal profit. September 8, Shenzhen TV broadcast "stop-gap of coral," set off huge waves.

According to police investigation, by the end of 2005 to January 2007, the Chen Shoufu download from Tencent Tencent QQ software, unauthorized modification, the Tencent QQ software, advertising, the search function to delete, plus show friends IP address function.

Revised coral QQ, procedures become more concise, downloads or even more than Tencent QQ itself. "Number of fixed connections," the network survey, 48% of users that bring their own modified version of QQ to a lot of convenience. Coral QQ number of users in 2007 reached 40.6 million.

It is understood that Chen Shoufu bundled in coral QQ in commercial advertising, unlimited Technology Co., Ltd. from Beijing Zhitong 15 document fee advertising, a total of 1.05 million. 265 brokers in the network plug-in advertising network technology (Beijing) Co., agents help illegal profit 122,000 yuan.

Square: Chen Shoufu is a program that genius, QQ can find loopholes in the original version of the show based on the IP address of increased functionality, and can remove the pop-up ads, so corals becoming their favorite version, he did a good thing . Meanwhile, he also enhance the visibility Tencent flow and made great contributions to China provides a new choice for Internet users, Tencent he should not be so ruthless.

Against: With Tencent's platform for their own profit-making private, Chen Shoufu is pay the price for their greed, Tencent did what it should do. He directed the largest generated because of changes in software copyright infringement case, as a university teacher, but a weak awareness of copyright, in the interests of the temptation, made a pathetic "coral."


Chen Shoufu always wanted to be controversial figure. Therefore, he developed the North Polytechnic FTP Union (Beijing Institute of Technology one of the four schools forum), the Forum page that says "do controversial alliance, made a controversial person."

There are two days, one is smart, one is foolish. Chen Shoufu intelligence can not be doubted, he found QQ's weaknesses and make improvements, but became a prisoner. Surface incentive is his bank account, the rapid increase of more than 110 million of deposits, the real reason he invaded and occupied Tencent vested interests.

Rang Rang world are all for money. At first, Chen Shoufu is really convenient for users, like users are thinking. Unfortunately he is not Huolei Feng, lured by the profits to be prodding, began bundling adware. Chen Shoufu is a "stop-gap of coral", is the next victim of temptation.

It seems to perpetrating a fraud of ability, but not to use it in the right path, Chen Shoufu fall into the trap of their own design, to their sigh. Now, Chen Shoufu final outcome is still unknown, but the industry hope that the lessons it brings, allows the definition of intellectual property rights in China changed from a vague definition.

NO.10 Wan Jianming: Mobile madman or boaster

Wan Jianming: born in 1964, people in Sichuan Yibin, Chengdu University of Electronic Science and Technology graduate, Doctor of Engineering, Sichuan Changhong Group, the country is currently chairman of Rainbow Communications

Time: 2007

Location: Mianyang

WHO: Wan Jianming

Where the Company: The company is headquartered in Mianyang, Sichuan Province, was founded in 1958, is a collection of digital TVs, air conditioners, refrigerators, telecommunications and other industries the development, production and sales of integrated enterprise group. As of 2005, Changhong brand value has risen to 39,861,000,000 yuan.

Synopsis: November 4, 2007 morning, Zhenjiang City, Town, high-specialized households for a duck in charge of the Changhong brand cell phone exploded, igniting duck shed, resulting in more than a hundred ducks into a "duck."

Wan Jianming, the individual ability is no doubt that high-profile access to Changhong, 2005, in the company's full authority, the National Rainbow communications growing rapidly, particularly 2006-2007, with TV direct sales, phone sales skyrocket Changhong. Wan Jianming, said a few months ago, on sales of more than 600,000 mobile phone units, the product sold out of stock. According to statistics, in 2006, the National Rainbow Communications completed 1.627 billion yuan of sales income. The view from the first half of 2007, also achieved good results, and completed 850 million yuan of sales revenue, gross margin handset business, second only to TV in the Changhong Group business.

However, the rise of mobile phone business, bringing to Changhong is a series of questions followed, first as "champion phone" quality, is frequently complaints; then, "light mobile phone" because of false information caused great controversy ; soon, Changhong cell phone explosion, triggering a fire ... ... for an old brand of Changhong suffered question.

Square: Wan Jianming, the mobile phone is a rare madman, he will Changhong phone from an unknown hand, brought the focus of the industry, contributed. Everywhere, he could focus everyone's attention. China needs foreign brands that he determined to break the superstition of the self-confidence and courage, Wan Jianming, the domestic mobile phone to bring a ray of hope and vitality.

Against: leopard can not change, flexible learning can not. When the TCL painful lesson that he has repented not, but as always, leather Hong Hong. Only sales, regardless of quality, quick success of the bad quality of Chinese mobile phone Wan Jianming, who has been reflected in his cell phone to Changhong distorted from the beginning has thought long and let the Changhong brand been controversial.


According to the older generation of Sichuan in old areas of social Chengyu unique "Pao Ge" bad habit is to take some taste of self-worship. Therefore, the claim with "Pao Ge" Wan Jianming, also contracted the bad habit of preaching the quirks - the mobile phone market share in the domestic situation is far less well than others, he also considered the quality of Changhong's mobile phone par with foreign brands.

No one believes in vigorously advocating Changhong phone waterproof, compression, power and other functions and never after the recently Wan Jianming, never let it explode to create mobile phone.

Kraft will blow big explosion, not the pursuit of quality of Changhong phone will burst. How, when he faced only a "roasted duck breast," when, how to go chew your say those words? If there is such a thing, Wan Jianming even been duck restaurant owners forget to do.

"Stage of the problem is exaggerated propaganda, as long as there will channel integrity." Gu jump to guess that consumers also changes in function that Changhong phone exaggerated to cover up deficiencies, who dare, and with Wan Jianming of risk?

Wan Jianming, when in the TCL, we used this trick. Now he has to go on the old road.


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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Huawei: "Heroes" behind the "survival anxiety"

Editor's note / by the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Industrial Economics, China Business News chairman Jinbei competitiveness led research team, in the "economic competitiveness" theory, based on the "China Business," co-developed "Competitiveness of Chinese Enterprises Monitoring System" - CBCM (China Business Competitiveness Monitor). The System was recognized as the government and the academic scholarship application-oriented paradigm. From the end of 2002, CBCM continuous monitoring system more than 1,200 listed companies on domestic and some non-listed companies, foreign enterprises in China brand competitiveness monitoring. Currently, the system already has more than 600 million data have been hundreds of foreign-funded enterprises to varying degrees in the monitoring results on CBCM be applied. Enterprises can take advantage of its long-term continuous monitoring results, clearly see their competitive situation in the industry curve.

CBCM system based on monitoring results, the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences Institute of Industrial Economics and Research Institute of China Business newspaper has been published for 7 years together, "Competitiveness of Chinese Enterprises", which has become the comprehensive competitiveness of Chinese enterprises inventory of authority data, Based on the launch of the "China Business Competitiveness Annual Conference", also a seventh has been successfully held for government officials, business executives build a high-end platform.

In the current competitive will be held in December 2009. In the global financial crisis deeply troubled Kuxun business prospects, but also to observe the corporate competitiveness of our new perspective. In this annual meeting, we will focus on looking for those in crisis, still maintain their strong competitiveness of enterprises, through our continuous tracking of the company to reveal the source of their competitive strength. In a large number of Chinese enterprises, through the layers of screening, we finally determine Huawei, BYD, and Conch Cement as our object of study. No doubt, they have every reason to become an outstanding representative of business. Starting from this issue, we would continue to serve you our research results.

This is also a created a hero heroic achievements by businesses, this is a rhetoric in the early development of the world there must be one-third of the company, which is considered a real Chinese enterprises into the world, this is a 20-year always stick to the road every day for their own business, a company that has shunned the corporate vision to attract many people, this is a news media refuse to understand business.

This is a respectable business - many people commented Huawei Technologies, including its competitors.

Known as the global economy even in the winter of 2008, Huawei still did not stop running. This year, they throw off a rival Huawei: Alcatel-Lucent. In the global telecommunications industry, Huawei ranked ahead of only Ericsson and Nokia Siemens. "Third world telecommunications market, there must be a seat of Huawei," Huawei Ren Zhengfei head of early years, the dream has become reality presented.

In 2009, when people still debate whether the economy recovery, Huawei took only six months to complete the equivalent of 2008 full year sales contract. Growth rate calculated in accordance with the first half of 2009, the year, Huawei, Nokia Siemens is likely beyond, as the world's second-largest telecommunications equipment suppliers.

Jump again and again, again and again to touch the ceiling, Huawei, showed amazing competitiveness.

2 years

The development of things will always be the bottleneck, the bottleneck may not be the ultimate limit, but within a period of unpredictable future. The same as the ceiling, only to constantly jump, touch, and beyond, the only way is to find a staircase.

Constantly face the ceiling, even before the ceiling can be found in the face of the stairs, walked on the floor so well, this is most companies Huawei and China, where the difference between.

Huawei's development has had two such limits. Before and after 1998, Huawei has experienced entrepreneurs, high-speed copy-style development, with a mad sea of people plundering and tactical enough to seize market share, become a company with tens of thousands of employees of the enterprise, how to manage, how to quickly re-unite for expansion was rapidly diluted culture, became head of Ren Zhengfei headache. Way to break this limit, is the famous "Huawei Basic Law."

Huawei's second limit in 2008, Huawei continued to "barbaric growth", but found that income and profits and lack of coordination, in exchange for higher sales and profits not so. In order to understand how money is earned back, spent a total of how much it costs, Huawei has completed IPD (Integrated 浜у搧 寮?彂), ISC (integrated supply chain) based on the start of the IFS (integrated financial restructuring) program, trying to break through their own again bottleneck.

Competition Force

In 2009, the seventh in our China business competitiveness study, Huawei is still in a prominent position. More than 20 years of rapid growth in Huawei's more alarming is the fact that growth itself with the speed and sustainability.

Whenever businesses, competitive factors could constitute nothing less than the management, strategy, technology, finance, Huawei is no exception. Management is a process that really rely on the system, the system is twofold: First, the language of an article format type rules; second rally included business development, settle down under the rules of the culture and the formation of each employee who can find the same sexual characteristics.

Huawei body, this system is the "Basic Law", "coyotes" culture, mattress culture. But "never within our 'coyotes culture' and 'mattress culture' argument, these are critical to our lessons. The core of our corporate culture thing is: customer focus, teamwork, and work and plain living." Huawei Technology Branding Brand Manager Guke Hui said.

Although the "follower player" identity known, but Huawei is clear that he and the gap between the industry bellwether Ericsson - 2008, Huawei's per capita productivity is 21 million, while Ericsson is 35 million.

Now, Huawei is still not free from cost overrun caused by stimulating role. The cost overrun out of corporate social responsibility, including cost and the cost of Huawei countries, most notably the demographic dividend, Ericsson, Alcatel-Lucent and other companies where the state can not provide such a low manufacturing cost; inward while the cost overrun including employee benefits, compensation, Huawei's R & D personnel in more than the number of competitors, but the R & D costs are much lower than competitors.

1988, 1998, 2008, Huawei seems to encounter a ceiling every 10 years. How do we interpret Huawei across the ceiling, while also waiting for Huawei's next jump.

Core Reading

There is no doubt in the minds of Huawei staff, especially those who work in Huawei employees as long as 10 years in mind, president of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei is the soul and hero: "No Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's forward-looking strategy will be lowered."

However, he did not think so Ren Zhengfei. "Huawei does not need heroes. Zhengfei often say that a hero is not one of the best companies. The past is the foundation laid by the hero, and now rely on process, by platform, no longer rely on a capable person." 1 Ren Zhengfei people close to tell, "China Business" reporter.

"Anxiety are to survive, succeed paranoid." This is the famous Ren Zhengfei, which means that success is paranoia, and survival depend on the anxious bench. In every respect the "heroes" behind Ren Zhengfei, Huawei this at 20 years of "anxiety are" how to become "the most successful international enterprise"?

1, the core values of temper

Appears in the bo, Huawei's unique "dual core" is the core of its success: "a nuclear core values is to" Huawei Basic Law "as the representative of the core value is the value of corporate culture; second core is the core competitiveness. In Huawei, based on core competence management as the core. "bo is a Chinese People's University School of Public Administration Organization and Human Resources professor and doctoral tutor, since 1995, Huawei as a management consultant, is" Huawei Basic Law, "the drafters of one.

Find a common language

Huawei's core values from scratch, from molding to improve, so far lasted 20 years. Even today, Huawei's core values of the upgrade continues. In fact, March 23, 1998, "Huawei Basic Law" was adopted and before the start, in addition to Ren Zhengfei and a handful of people, the vast majority of Huawei's core values of people of the so-called no idea. Then make plans for the Huawei's expert advisory team (mainly by the Chinese People's University professors) that the high growth of Huawei, the increasing scale, more and more employees, management, more and more problems, one of which is senior and middle-level cadres in the pursuit of the enterprise's mission, core values and difficult to reach consensus, it is difficult to communicate.

China Management Consulting Ltd, chairman of the cornerstone, the famous management consultant, Huawei's expert advisory group when he was head of the Peng Jianfeng later with a very vivid metaphor to demonstrate the circumstances. With the business expansion, staff size, and the enterprise level and the reduction in grass-roots contacts, Ren Zhengfei found himself farther and farther away from middle-level leadership, but also can keep abreast of the work of subordinate status and ideas. For those who do not understand the idea of employees Ren Zhengfei, the boss, then more and more difficult to understand, that the boss saying, "birds" and understand the owner's intent to become more and more difficult, so every day wondering what the boss would like to . At the same time, the boss also felt the lack of the following are increasingly savvy, "as stupid as a pig." Employees understand the boss's intent can not be prepared confused, Ren Zhengfei also because they can not be understood and painful, both sides need to establish a common language systems and communication channels. The core values of the refined and elaborated, is to find the "bird" and "pig" of the common language of the shortcut.

For this reason, in discussing "Huawei Basic Law," the basic framework of the design, Ren Zhengfei on a request that "Huawei Basic Law" to establish the business deal with the fundamental contradiction between inside and outside the law, establishing a clear common language system that is the core business values, as well as guidance Huawei's future growth and development of the basic operating policies and management rules. "How will our precious and painful years of accumulation and exploration industry in absorbing the best ideas and methods, then a step further, as the theory guide us in advance to avoid falling into empiricism, which is to develop" Huawei Basic Law " basic position. "'s speech in 1998" from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom ", the Ren Zhengfei put a" belated. "

In the development of "Huawei Basic Law" of the process, Ren Zhengfei and exchange of very large group of experts. Expert Group's office in his office next door, in memory of Peng Jianfeng, when the experts have told Ren Zhengfei chat almost every day, "he tends to come chat. On" Huawei Basic "there is 9 times the formal discussion, in addition to with at least one 20 informal discussions. In fact, through this process, Ren Zhengfei also completed a deepening of Huawei's future development and systems thinking. "

"Huawei's Basic Law," the preparation and drafting process lasted three years, Huawei has experienced more than 800 people from 1995 to 1998, nearly two million high-speed development. March 1998, after 10 deletion, up to 16,475 words, "Huawei Basic Law" was finalized.

"For Huawei," Huawei's Basic Law, "at least three aspects of the role." Peng Jianfeng later evaluation, the biggest role is to translate into real high-level thinking that we can see and feel things, to make high-level and between staff able to reach consensus, "This is a power of intelligent process." Huawei Basic Law "in the unity, cohesion of staff and so the role of the immeasurable." Second, "Huawei's Basic Law," after the introduction of a competing domestic and international business pursuit, study model, greatly increasing social awareness and customer Huawei Huawei brand identity. Third, it fostered a leadership team of Huawei.

Bo in the eyes of another person, "Huawei's Basic Law," the role and significance of more specific: "I always thought that" Huawei Basic Law "is the Charter of Huawei's management or cultural charter. It is not just a cultural exposition, it Huawei to upgrade their management to encourage the establishment of their own management system, in this sense, it is a milestone. "

Basic "change"

However, the stand point of view look at today, "Huawei's Basic Law," "the contents of which are almost always change." Peng Jianfeng, this is because the magnitude of business, mission and pursuit are not the same. "It was made 'a world-class companies' objectives have been reached, but the 'lead' the word did not reach."

That "Huawei Basic Law" needs to change not only Peng Jianfeng. From "Huawei Basic" to implement a full 10 years after the promulgation, December 19, 2008 afternoon, visit the company's internal forum "community voice" of Huawei staff found that there more of a "Forum's core values." Borrow "One World, One Dream" Olympic symbols language, the Forum's defenders - "The Working Group's core values of order" raised "the same Huawei, the same vision," the slogan of the initiative to participate in all Huawei " sharing and creation of this discussion. " Submitted to the nearly 90,000 employees of the copy of Huawei, Huawei's EMT (Executive Management Team, the management team) will be the company's core values, from 673 the year re-refined word for "hard work, self-criticism, team work, sincerity and trustworthiness , customer success, open enterprise, "24 words, and to illustrate and explain one by one.

"We have no scarcity of resources can rely on, only hard work to win the customer's respect and trust", "only adhere to self-criticism, to listen, give and continue beyond, can more easily respect for others and with others, to achieve customer, company, team and individual and common development "and" victory is celebrated toast, Baize desperate is extended, "" we only magnanimous and sincere heart, can deliver its promises to keep, "" to provide effective services, is the direction of our work and value of the evaluation scale, customer success is our success "," Any advanced technology, products, solutions and business management into a business success can only create value "... ... This is a brutal competition in the has gone through a 20-year survival, development, expansion of international business experience and lessons from the heart.

"Huawei's development today, would try to rely on" Basic "and then what by a system of such a large company to all thinking clearly, I think unrealistic." Talking about the continuation of this still great discussion Peng Jianfeng said, "but its significance lies in the core values of the same time make people aware of all Huawei, Huawei's basic core values can be unified, and is always been the same, for example, value-oriented customers."

"To realize that customer service is the only reason Huawei exists." April 28, 2005, Ren Zhengfei central group in the Guangdong Provincial CPC Committee held a "learning forum in Guangdong," the 16th conference of the report as "Huawei core values, "says project report.

2, the third stage

Back in early 2008, an internal meeting, Ren Zhengfei, says that Huawei will be the coming economic crisis, the biggest beneficiary.

Why Zhengfei dare this true? "IT managers in the world," writer Yunjie that this is because a more reasonable distribution of Huawei's operations, the advantages of expanding the international market is more prominent. In fact, Huawei has made a more rational distribution of support in the international market, greater advantage is the management system of Huawei, Huawei, its external manifestation is "dual core" of the other core - the core competitiveness.

If the value from the representative of the core values of corporate culture can be seen in Huawei's soul, then the core competitiveness from Huawei cultivation process, may be able to clearly see the giant Huawei has grown from a child's footprints.

To the regular army from Tuba Lu

You want to know how Huawei to build the core competitiveness and future development, it should first of Huawei path. Whatever you do do the domestic market or international market, Huawei has remained true to some of the key elements of success for an enterprise, these key elements is the most important support. "When we do," Huawei Basic Law "is a breakthrough from this problem. Huawei's why the success is because it has these key elements; to achieve greater success, but also what the ingredients of success? It what to do next in the international market level, it can be what kind of company, in fact, was a continuation of past success factors and success factors of adding the new. "bo said.

From this perspective, Huawei's growth can be divided into three stages. Established from 1988 to 1998, "Huawei Basic Law" final, "This is basically a hard struggle to find their own patterns and areas of the stage, is pioneering stage." Huawei bo called this period the "red years", while is also a "passionate, not management" era. "Age is a passion to help young people, a bunch of people who have no money, eyes braved the green light to begin stealing money in the market. By 1997, Huawei has basically established their business, determined to do their own, determined in a relatively stable market position. "so-called" stable position "is very difficult to re-die business, earn to feed themselves.

From 1998 to 2008, the second decade, is the second phase of Huawei. In this decade, Huawei's enterprise platform to do, the market did, and product diversification, and staff and more complex, Huawei started to realize the importance of management, while in fact, this decade is the overall management system of Huawei formation stage.

Huawei to promote "comprehensive introduction of world-class management," the motivation is that Ren Zhengfei really aware of the "Tuba Lu" and "regular" gap. That time, have accumulated some experience and capital, Huawei gradually from the "red decade" of the ignorant and the excitement in the wake of "Huawei Basic Law" in the pursuit of their own as the "world leader", and fully aware of their and about to face a huge gap between the rivals. To this end, Ren Zhengfei proposed "second pioneering" Huawei has become the most popular saying at that time. In the 1998 speech "from the realm of necessity to the realm of freedom", the Ren Zhengfei said Huawei second goal is the sustainable development of entrepreneurship, "a decade to make the work with international practice. It is characterized to dilute the entrepreneur's personal, strengthen professional management. the personal charm, traction spiritual, personal drive to become a kind of atmosphere, it forms a field, to promote and guide the proper development of enterprises. "

Although the storm has gone through 10 years, but has also had a place in the industry, but in the eyes Ren Zhengfei, the lack of world-class management system, Huawei still only be considered "Tuba Lu." "Is wearing sandals, head wearing white towel, holding 38 caps and haunted Qingsha Zhang, and then buried in a mine, put a sniper or something. This is a true portrayal of the early Huawei is very appropriate." Bo said, "but Huawei aims and regular operations and the regular army to fight only one option is to turn oneself into a regular army. the regular army to take off their sandals for shoes, leather shoes, but China has not only pay big bucks to the United States buy, pay big bucks Buy American management system. "

Huawei's first "buy" is well-known consulting firm, American interests (HAY) human resources management system. However, in this platform to build up after Huawei was found not enough, after the whole process is introduced from IBM, including the IPD (Integrated Product Development), ISC (integrated supply chain) and is still ongoing in the IFS (integrated financial restructuring) . "IBM to Huawei from 1998 till now has not stopped, the process is actually build process, create a flow structure. Huawei IT can withstand the winter and twice a severe test of the global economic crisis, largely depend on its management system in work, also proved the reliability of this management system. "bo considered, including the 2008 Love for the world's first patent application for a world-class records are actually strengthening the management of the consequences.

"Soft power" of the times

Now, Ren Zhengfei earlier proposal of "one-third of the world telecommunications market, Huawei must have a seat," the dream has largely been achieved, then the way how to get? Bo that Huawei's development has entered the "soft power to build a whole," the first three-phase balanced attitude slowly to "gray" attitude towards peace, towards a rational, "this stage is just beginning, often only after a few years can be clearly seen. The validation management system to continuously optimize , the road is relatively long, I think this process at least a decade about it. "

And Peng Jianfeng are told reporters on the "soft power", Ren Zhengfei "more concerned about more than ten years ago." He used "rite of passage" to describe the 20th anniversary of the birthday of Huawei, and that Ren Zhengfei early start before a comprehensive reflection. "Since May 31, 2008 to April 2009, he was always fighting at five systems were five awards ceremony speech, the speech is in fact the" Huawei Basic Law "to critically rethink the past, Huawei , present and future, just not this way by the Basic Law. In fact, you look carefully, he thought in a comprehensive Huawei how to get to the next question. "

Peng Jianfeng highlighted in the first article is Zhengfei early 2009's, "who call for fire, how to provide timely fire support." This is a marketing system for Huawei's article, the core is stressed decentralization. "Huawei's development today, afraid of big enterprises disease, fear of bureaucratic, bureaucrats begin from headquarters. Huawei has always been a totalitarian, centralized, and Ren Zhengfei thinking now is how to change this centralization to decentralization, sustainable decentralization, to hear the real fire of the people (that first-line marketing staff) to do policy-making, which is the core of his article. I think this is a major transformation of Huawei and Ren Zhengfei. "

"Deep Beach Gardens, a low weir", is Ren Zhengfei April 24, 2009 fight at the operational and delivery system for speech recognition meeting. Deep Beach Gardens, is the constant internal potential, reduce operating costs and to provide more valuable service; low weir, that is, to put their own greed, their retained profits lower, more to customers, and treat upstream suppliers. "

"Huawei Ren Zhengfei is in fact reflect on the past and the competitive relationship between the partners hope will be vicious competition into previously healthy competition, to build the advantage of the value chain and reduce costs." Peng Jianfeng that, "Huawei go today, profit margins less and less, if the profits also depend on the past that at the cost of the mode of operation at all costs, certainly faced the problem of declining profit margins. He made this speech, in essence, that is, the efficiency within the enterprise to further tapping the potential to improve profits rate. "

"R & D system, his speech was" a rubble from the earthquake in Wenchuan, a church built a century ago is not back by the thought. "The article stressed the fact R & D staff of professional issues, I hope they have a Thanksgiving heart, can work together to strive for excellence shop and go to everything, focus on quality, not down to build the foundation of a century. "Peng Jianfeng said to Ren Zhengfei 2008 to the present published several articles with this together, can find him rethink "Huawei Basic Law", the re-thinking how to get business in the next 20 years. "If you said" Huawei's Basic Law, "a Huawei emancipation of the past, then this series of articles is that the new round of ideological emancipation, they solve the problem of how to take Chanye responsibility, how to maintain the company's continued prosperity and problems sustained competitiveness and global competitiveness. He thought the problem was, as a world-class enterprise, based on industry, on globalization, how the sustainable development of Huawei. "

3, "limit" on the

The formation of the inertia of 20 years, Huawei will bring to where exactly? Want to know the answer, not just "anxiety hero who" Ren Zhengfei.

July 21, 2009, IDG Yong Zhong Wei, deputy managing editor in an article entitled "Huawei's growth will occur when the corner?" In Bowen, the references and brief analysis of Huawei's sales data since 2002, Ericsson and Nortel reference to major competitors such as Huawei, the History, analyzes Huawei's own risk and referred to the three face possible "change environment" after that, the corner of Huawei's rapid growth should be followed by the following four reasons: succession issues resolved; EMT team structure after a major reshuffle; communications market comprehensive business and services from the device after the shift; any boss retired, after they listened to others opinions.

A week later, "IT managers in the world," chief reporter, "Huawei's world," one of the authors Ji Yongqing at the FT published a signed article in the Chinese Internet, "Huawei second time limit" that is about to enter the club's Huawei 500, it is difficult to "eighty or ":" and compared contemporary Lenovo and Haier, Huawei's development momentum though some of the more violent, but that does not mean it will not be bound by the law of universal gravitation: When the 'follow-type players' Huawei has been looking for is not found in previous to the number of leader, when Huawei found itself low-cost competition is gradually lost when the Chinese companies Huawei to escape the fate of it? "

Huawei can not stop

However, bo that the four proposed Yong Zhong Wei, "Huawei corner" because no one desirable. The network had some people interested in discussing the "Ren Zhengfei, Huawei is not how" is simply a false proposition. "For the past in terms of Huawei, Ren Zhengfei is really a non-negative factors. But Ren Zhengfei retirement and the departure is certain, nobody can change." Bo outspoken, "Huawei If there is no management system, not the large platform, then Once the retired elderly, may become a very serious problem. But in terms of today's Huawei, Ren Zhengfei behind the enterprise strategy and management system is the most important, as long as the sound of these two factors, Huawei's culture will surely continue. "

"If suddenly there is no Zhengfei, not a big problem in the short term, but in the long Laikan definitely have an impact." Talking about this topic, Peng Jianfeng words out carefully, "I think EMT is a team, everyone have their own characteristics This is a Ren Zhengfei was formed through the 'dual structure' under the 'nine yuan structure', nine-man team actually implements a complementary. but not the words of Ren Zhengfei, Huawei's biggest problem is lack of the spirit . "

"In a sense, Huawei's success is the success of entrepreneurs, from this point of view, we can say there is no today without Zhengfei Huawei. Huawei from so small a business, to today, its origin or entrepreneurs spirit. Chinese enterprises, may rely on mechanisms for the next 30 years, by organization, but over the past 30 years, indeed rely on entrepreneurs. "Peng Jianfeng said," until now, I have contacted the company in the home, Ren Zhengfei is the most 'heroes ', no one can match him. Now he is committed to creating mechanisms for the organization, which is the mission of Ren Zhengfei. he left, Huawei can not be sustainable development, which is the measure of his success he was an important symbol. if In the management system of further optimization, I think Huawei is fully capable of from good to great, with the stereotype, this is a very good business. "

In Peng Jianfeng eyes, Ren Zhengfei biggest feature is the strong sense of crisis and self-critical spirit. "Everyone says that Ren Zhengfei very authoritarian, in fact he was only in a totalitarian form of a democratic way to go. Really like everyone says tyranny, so overbearing, Huawei will go today?" Peng Jianfeng that "this guy "face a very long bones absorb, integrate the views of others," so I used a word, he often 'bloodbath' other people's knowledge, the knowledge you take over, is in his blood inside a circle, into his blood, This is his feature. "

However, a sense of crisis, self-critical spirit and the "bloodbath" in the ability of the Ren Zhengfei, plus a reasonable management system, Huawei, we will be able to continue today's splendid? If there is a subsequent impact in the same area of Huawei, Huawei how do? "It depends on two aspects: First, the correct decision. When faced with a crisis, when faced corner, executives can keep a cool head, to make rational judgments. Second, timely response and response. Because what will happen next, how now, and are not sure. "bo said.

"Huawei got here, have accumulated a lot of problems and contradictions. Now he can maintain a rapid growth rate, but as long as the growth of a slowdown, it used to cover some of the internal management of the vulnerability will be exposed soon.浠庤繖涓剰涔変笂璁诧紝鍗庝负鏄笉鑳藉仠鐨勶紝杩欐槸瀹冪幇鍦ㄩ潰涓寸殑寰堝ぇ涓?釜椋庨櫓銆傗?褰墤閿嬫病鏈夊惔鏄ユ尝閭d箞涔愯锛屸?姝ゅ锛岄噾铻嶅嵄鏈虹‘瀹炰娇瀹冨湪鍥介檯甯傚満涓婂彈鍒颁簡涓?簺褰卞搷锛岃〃鐜颁负鍒╂鼎鐜囨湁鎵?笅闄嶏紝甯傚満鏈夋墍钀庣缉锛岃繖寰堟湁鍙兘瀵艰嚧浼佷笟鐨勫閫熶笅闄嶃?浠庤繖涓搴﹁锛屽綋鍓嶉樁娈靛崕涓轰篃璁稿嵆灏嗛潰涓翠竴涓煕鐩剧殑绱Н鐐广?浠庝换姝i潪鑷?008 骞村紑濮嬮檰缁彂琛ㄧ殑璁茶瘽涓紝鎴戣涓轰粬宸茬粡鏄璇嗗埌浜嗚繖浜涢棶棰橈紝浣嗗崕涓烘槸涓嶆槸鑳藉杩呴?璋冩暣杩囨潵锛岀洰鍓嶈繕鐪嬩笉娓呮銆傗?


銆??鈥滃崕涓烘湁寰堝鍋氭硶涓嶄竴瀹氳兘鎷垮埌妗岄潰涓婃潵銆備絾鏄畠鍙堟槸鏈夋晥鐨勶紝杩欏氨鏄换姝i潪鐨勫疄鐢ㄤ富涔夈?鍥藉鐨勫ソ澶氫笢瑗跨粺缁熸嬁鏉ワ紝浠栧氨鏄ā浠裤?瀛︿範锛屽湪杩欎釜鍩虹涓?鍒涙柊銆傝繖绉嶆ā寮忓浜庝粬鍘昏拷璧跺拰瓒呰秺鍒汉鏄竴绉嶆渶濂界殑鏂瑰紡锛屼絾浣犺鎴愪负浜т笟棰嗚锛岃鎴愪负棰嗗厛绾э紝鏈夋椂鍊欏氨浼氭垚涓洪殰纰嶃?鈥濊皥鍙婂崕涓虹殑鈥滆窡闅忓瀷鎴樼暐鈥濇椂锛屽江鍓戦攱 鍒嗘瀽锛屸?鏈?潖鐨勬儏鍐垫槸锛屼綘绐佺劧鍙戠幇琚綘瀛︿範鐨勯偅涓汉绐佺劧涓?笅鎶婁綘鐢╁緱寰堣繙锛屼綘瀛︿笉鏉ヤ簡銆備絾瀹為檯涓婏紝闄ら潪鍑虹幇闈╁懡鎬х殑鎶?湳鍒涙柊锛屽叾浠栨儏鍐典笅鍗庝负涓嶅お鍙兘琚敥 寮??浣嗘槸鎴戞兂锛屽鏋滀粬鑳藉绱ц窡琛屼笟棰嗚鐨勮瘽锛屽熀鏈笂涓嶄細鍑虹幇杩欑鎯呭喌锛氭垜鐨勬妧鏈揣璺熶綘锛屾垜鐨勭鐞嗕篃绱ц窡浣狅紝浣犵爺绌剁殑鏃跺?鎴戜篃鍦ㄧ爺绌讹紝涓?笅琚埆浜虹敥鎺夊緢闅?鐨勩?鈥?br />
銆??闄や簡鎶?湳鐨勯潻鍛芥?鍗囩骇鎹唬锛屽江鍓戦攱璁や负锛屽彲鑳戒績浣垮崕涓衡?涓嶅緱涓嶉潻鍛解?鐨勫師鍥犳槸鍒╂鼎鐜囩殑涓嬮檷锛岃櫧鐒朵换姝i潪宸茬粡鎻愬?鈥滄繁娣樻哗锛屾祬浣滃牥鈥濓紝浣嗕紒涓氱殑鐜?閲戞祦浠?箞鏃跺?浼氬彈鍒扮害鏉燂紝骞朵笉鍏锋湁瀹屽叏鐨勫彲棰勮鎬с?鈥滀粈涔堟牱鐨勫鍔涜兘澶熶績浣垮畠鎺ㄥ姩鑷韩鐨勯潻鍛?澶х殑鍗辨満锛岃储鍔¢棶棰橈紝涓嶆敼涓嶈锛岃繖鍙嚜鎴戦潻鍛姐?鍩轰簬浼佷笟鍗辨満 蹇呴』瑕佽嚜鎴戦潻鍛斤紝鎶婅窡涓嶄笂鎬濇兂鐨勪汉鏉ヤ竴杞柊鐨勭疆鎹?瑕佷箞鎹㈡?鎯筹紝瑕佷箞鎹汉銆傗?

銆??鈥滄垜瑙夊緱鍗庝负鏈変竴鐐瑰挨鍏跺?寰楄偗瀹氾細鑰愬緱浣忓瘋瀵烇紝缁忓緱璧疯鎯戯紝鍦ㄨ嚜宸辨搮闀跨殑棰嗗煙鍋氳嚜宸辨搮闀跨殑浜嬶紝瑕佷箞涓嶅仛锛岃鍋氬氨鍋氬埌鏈?ソ銆傘?鍩烘湰娉曘?鏈夎繖涓悊 蹇碉紝鍗庝负涔熸槸杩欎箞鍋氱殑銆傗?鍚存槬娉㈣锛屸?鎴戣涓猴紝鍗庝负鐨勬垚鍔熸槸鍙互澶嶅埗鐨勩?鍥犱负浠栫殑鎴愬姛鍏跺疄寰堢畝鍗曪細鏈夋ⅵ鎯筹紝骞惰兘涓撴敞鑰屾墽钁椼?瑕佸鍗庝负灏卞厛瀛﹁繖涓?鍒悶鎶?鏈猴紝鍒悶澶氬厓鍖栵紝鍒暣澶╂儲璁扮潃涓婂競銆傗?




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